How Long Can Refrigerated Ground Beef Last

How Long Does Cooked Ground Beef last in the Fridge?

How Long Does Cooked Ground Beef last in the Fridge?

Quick answer first: If you've prepared a pound of ground beef to make tacos for dinner, how long does cooked ground beef last in the fridge? Like other leftovers from the meal, cooked meat can keep in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days, as per the United States Department of Agriculture.

To begin with, cooked ground beef can be quite a tasty recipe. But, if you've put ground beef that has been cooked in the refrigerator for a few days, the meat begins to get oxidized and begin to smell.

It's not just unpleasant, but it could also cause meat to spoil. So, how long will cooked ground beef keep in the refrigerator? Let's jump into it.

How Long Does Raw Ground Beef Last in the Refrigerator?

According to the ground beef you buy raw can be stored within the fridge for up to two days. However, it is possible to take some extra steps to prolong the shelf duration of the ground meat.

The first thing to consider is the quality of the ground beef that you purchase will invariably influence its shelf-life (the duration it can be kept before it loses its quality). The best method to prolong the shelf-life of your product is to purchase quality ground beef.

It is equally important to be aware of the methods of storage. Ground beef that is not opened should be stored in the original packaging and placed on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator.

What is the shelf life of cooked Ground Beef in the fridge?

In the event that I make a 1 pound ground beef to make tacos for the evening, how long will it last in the fridge?

Based on the USDA Ground beef cooked will last within the fridge for 3 to 4 days, much like other leftovers.

Freezing ground beef

An effective method to store ground beef longer than couple of days, is to put it in the freezer. If placed inside a freezer (below zero degrees) the ground beef will remain fresh for between 3 and 4 months.

For freezing ground beef put it in foil that is heavy-duty, plastic wrap or freezer paper within the original packaging to avoid freezing burns, or place it in a freezer bag.

If you've taken the packaging out, put the beef mince inside a plastic freezer bag, and identify your bag with the day of purchase.

Place the ground beef that you have purchased in an enormous bowl of cold water once it is time to utilize it. Reduce the meat using the help of a large stone, and let it loosen for 5 to 10 minutes.

Ground beef frozen from the freezer should be used right away and should not be refrozen.

How to tell if Ground Meat is Bad

To ensure safety, it is crucial to observe the rule of two days. But, if you are using the senses of smell or perception, you may notice a smell that is sour clouds (brownish-gray) color or slimy consistency might be a sign there is a possibility that ground beef has become damaged.

Can Cooked Minced Meat Be Still safe after 5 days?

When appropriately stored, it will last for 3-4 days in the fridge. Bacteria multiply quickly between 40degC and 140degC.

If ground beef that has been cooked is stored at room temp for longer than two hours, it must be thrown away.

How to tell if ground Beef Is Not Good

Beef that has been cooked or spoiled could cause nausea. Therefore, ensure that you keep, handle and cook the meat properly to prevent illness. There are a variety of methods to determine whether the meat has been spoiled.


The easiest method to tell whether ground meat has been spoiled is to look at how the color of meat. A good, clean ground beef purchased from the grocery store has a vibrant red color on the exterior.

This happens due to the fact that oxygen from air reacts the pigment inside the meat, called oxygenmyoglobin. It forms an intense red color on the exterior that the animal has.

It is the liquid red that leaks out from the meat that people often think is blood.

The meat's inside is likely to not have been reacted with oxygen, which means it could be gray-brown, and safe to consume.

If the surface of the meat that is ground has changed color, such as brown or gray the meat should be removed. The color change is a sign that the meat is beginning to deteriorate.

If there is any evidence of mold in the area of cooked or raw ground beef it must be disposed of immediately.


Texture is also used to determine if the meat has been spoilt. Ground meat that is edible is a bit firm and is brittle when taken up.

But an acrid or slimy appearance could indicate the presence in spoilage-related bacteria. It could be due to the bacteria that create that slimy-looking texture.

The bacteria release volatile compounds that can lead to the creation of slime on the surfaces of meat.

To avoid infection by bacteria it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands after handling raw meat.


Another method to tell whether ground meat has been spoiled is to smell it. Fresh and healthy ground meat generally doesn't smell unpleasant.

If spoilage bacteria are thriving an unpleasant odor could be created.

But, it must be noted that pathogenic bacteria aren't necessarily the reason for the smell.

It is therefore recommended to dispose of ground beef even if it does emit an unpleasant smell when there are other indications of decay.

Shelf life

There is no requirement for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require all food items including infant formula to be marked with a best before date.

However because of local rules regarding best before dates the majority of food items are labeled with an expiry date.

A lot of food items are marked with a "best before" date but the FDA employs the phrase "best before" to prevent confusion. Labels like "best before" are only a way of indicating how long an item will retain its quality and taste but does not tell us that the food would be inedible after that period.

If the meat is properly stored and safely, you are not required to throw out products that have gone past the "best by" date.

Ground beef that is refrigerated is safe to consume within two days from the expiration date. If it's frozen, it must be consumed within 4 months.

The Side Effects of Eating Spoiled Beef

If you suspect that your meat is spoilt, be cautious. If you consume meat that has been spoilt it is possible of suffering from food poisoning.

The symptoms of food poisoning could include

  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Stomach upset
  • Vomiting
  • Bloody Stool
  • Dehydration

Food poisoning outbreaks that are related to ground beef are quite frequent across the United States.

Bacteria that may cause this are Salmonella, E. coli as well as Campylobacter. The majority of the illnesses resulting from these bacteria are not severe, but, in certain instances, they could be fatal.

Safety in the handling and storage of Beef

Make sure you are tidy

Regular hand washing, and regular wash of surfaces is required.

When you cook or store raw meat, keep it separate from other food items.


Make sure that all food items are cooked thoroughly, at the correct temperatures and the proper time.


Fastly cool or freeze food items and at the right temperature.

Check that refrigerators and freezers are set at the correct temperature to ensure food safety. Refrigerators must be kept at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius and freezers should be kept below -17 degrees Celsius.

It can be kept within the fridge for up to two days before being consumed within 4 days. It is also possible to store it in the freezer for up to four months.

While cooking beef for roast, the temperature as measured by an edible thermometer should be at or below 160degF (71degC). It is crucial that ground beef cannot be kept within the refrigerator for longer than two hours.

Safe storage can prevent spoilage

Safe and appropriate processing of ground beef can ensure that there is no spoilage. It is crucial to be aware of indications of spoilage like odor, color or texture, inadequate packaging or conditions of storage.

Alongside safe processing and storage for ground beef, it's crucial to ensure that the beef is cooked to a suitable internal temperature that kills bacteria.

Wrapping up

So, how long does cooked ground beef last in the fridge?  I think I need not repeat the answer since you have already got it in the earlier part of the post.

Therefore, let's address the question that you may want to ask: "How long does raw ground beef keep in the refrigerator?" Raw ground beef is able to last for up to a couple of days in the refrigerator, if it is kept in a proper storage. Your refrigerator should have an even temperature of 40 degrees when storing it.

The ground beef should be kept in the original container. Place it in a different container or bowl on the bottom of the refrigerator to prevent drips and contamination from other foods.

If you don't plan to cook your beef in the next two days, it is best to put it inside the refrigerator, which can make it last longer. Uncooked ground beef will last for up to 4 years in the freezer.


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